Buy and register barcodes from the #1 UPC Barcode seller
All Barcodes work for Amazon
and Walmart

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Having trouble listing on Amazon
due to your barcodes?
The Barcode Registry can help you immediately. (100% money back guarantee)
If you purchased barcodes from a source other than GS1, you may have trouble listing your products on Amazon. By registering your barcodes with The Barcode Registry, you will be able to instantly download all of the documentation necessary to get your barcodes whitelisted by Amazon. The Barcode Registry is the ONLY company approved by Amazon to provide this service.
Only $9/mo to register unlimited barcodes
Only $99/yr to register unlimited barcodes
Only $499/Lifetime to register unlimited barcodes
start membership[click here]
Speed Up Business
Protect Your
Whether you purchased your barcodes directly from GS1 or from a legitimate 3rd Party vendor, The Barcode Registry is an easy hub where you can manage, update, and publish the latest product details, images and ownership information relevant to your barcodes. This information can then be instantly accessed and downloaded by retailers. As a member you can also generate free unlimited QR codes and GTIN Case Codes. Most importantly, the registration process strengthens the security and verification process between your company, products, and their assosciated barcodes. When any barcode is properly registered it receives a date stamped Certificate of Authentication and can be instantly verified worldwide via the Registry's website or free mobile App - Verify My Barcode.
Learn More
Trusted by millions for a reason.
Benefits of
Used by businesses worldwide, The Barcode Registry is the fastest way to link your company and product details to your barcode numbers and to protect your products from barcode theft and fraud.
Used by businesses worldwide, The Barcode Registry is the fastest way to link your company and product details to your barcode numbers and to protect your products from barcode theft and fraud.
“After a truck carrying a pallet of my custom iPhone cases was stolen, I was notified via the ProductShield app that a vendor on the other side of the country was illegally selling them. I was able to verify this and have it stopped. It made me feel very thankful that The Barcode Registry was looking out for me.”
“I have been a member of The Barcode Registry for several years and have a ProductShield badge on all of my products. It truly gives me peace of mind knowing that the business I have worked so hard to build has that extra layer of protection."
“I have always had my product manufactured in China without thinking about it being counterfeited over seas. Thanks to The Barcode Registry and ProductShield, I was able to discover what was going on. I have since had that Chinese manufacturer flagged and now have my product Made in the USA. Joining The Barcode Registry is one of the best decisions I have made for my business!”
Only $9/mo to register unlimited barcodes
Only $99/yr to register unlimited barcodes
Only $499/Lifetime to register unlimited barcodes
start membership[click here]

Register and Protect Your Products Today
1 in 5 products launched in the U.S. are a victim of Counterfeiting, Piracy, Theft, & Fraud.
Trusted by millions for a reason.
Barcodes Explained (Part 1) Every day I am very fortunate to speak with excited entrepreneurs who can hardly wait to introduce the world to their brand-new product. From selling T-shirts and CDs to fishing lures and wine, entrepreneurs all come to me with the same set of questions: What is a barcode?...
Read moreBarcodes Explained (Part 4) When asked about EAN barcodes, the questions usually go as follows: What are they? Do I need one on my product? If I already have a UPC do I also need an EAN? If I already have an EAN barcode on my product, do I also need a UPC? Let me start by saying that all barcodes (both EAN and UPC) originate from the exact same source –...
Read more
Barcodes Explained (Part 5)
For more than 14 years I have been answering these questions so let me sum up the answers as
clearly as I can.
GS1 is the name of the company that created the entire barcoding system currently used by
all retailers around the world. What is often immediately confusing…
Why should I buy UPC barcodes from
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